The Internet is huge and there are lots of older, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books online for free (today nearly 2 million titles). Note that these large collections of older free ebooks are typically created from scanned copies of physical books and can have variable quality. But still, FREE!
Links to the many free downloaded ebooks on the Amazon site, along with a list of other sites and instructions below to download free classic and other out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books and transfer via USB to your Kindle device or read on Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac
Download free books and texts. The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books. Try the archive's site OpenLibrary for an interface to the published books on and links to other online book collections. This collection is open to the community for the contribution of any type of text, many licensed using Creative Commons licenses.
Discover thousands of public domain books, downloaded for free.
One web page for every book ever published. It's a lofty but achievable goal. Open Library is an open project: the software is open, the data are open, the documentation is open, and they welcome your contribution. Whether you fix a typo, add a book, or write a widget--it's all welcome. Open Library is a project of the non-profit Internet Archive, and has been funded in part by a grant from the California State Library and the Kahle/Austin Foundation.
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